
Dinosaur Niches

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Patchi1995's avatar

Literature Text

Herrerasaurs = Hyenas
small Prosauropods = Meerkats
large Prosauropods = Capybaras
short Sauropods = Elephants
tall Sauropods = Giraffes
Coelophysoids = African Hooey Hounds
Noasaurs = Fiching Cats
Elaphrosaurs = Roadrunners
Abelisaurs = Jaguars
Megalosaurs = Bear-dogs
Spinosaurs = Bears and Crocodilians
Allosaurs = Komodo Dragons
Carcharodontosaurs = Sharks
Compsognathids = Rats
Small Tyrannosaurs = Foxes and Jackals
Large Tyrannosaurs = Panthers
Therizinosaurs = Giant Sloths
Ornithomimids = Ratities
Oviraptorids = Gamefowl, Cassowaries, and Sea Otters
Alvarezsaurs = Anteaters
Dromaeosaurs = Wolves and Mountain Lions
Troodonts = Foxes and Raccoons
Lesothosaurs = Prairie Dogs
Scelidosaurs = Armadillos
Stegosaurs = Rhinoceroses
Ankylosaurs = Aardvarks
small Heterodontosaurs = Ferrets
large Heterodontosaurs = Boars
small Pachycephalosaurs = Goats
large Pachycephalosaurs = Sheep
small Ceratopsians = Pigs and Mice
large Ceratopsians = Hippopotami, Ceratotheres, Buffaloes and Entelodonts
Hypsilophodonts = Gazelles
Iguanodonts = Horses
Lambeosaurs = Deer
Hadrosaurs = Moose
I noted that African Hooey Hounds were aka African Wild Dogs. Also Panthers were included lions, leopards, jaguars, tigers, ounces, and tree-tigers only. You guys might want to review the inaccuracies about the dinosaur behavior and niches!
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nadairead's avatar
What about Ceratosaurs and Dilophosaurs? c: